It depends upon cross sectional area and length of material
The resistance of any material is given by
, here
is the resistivity of material , l is length of material and A is cross sectional area
So resistivity 
So resistuivity of any material depends upon area of cross section and length of material
If cross sectional area will be more then resistivity will be more. And is length of the material will be more then resistivity will be less
Using the same antenna. Now he doesn't know if it was the antenna that caused the change in reception. so he wasn't only measuring the reception in his house he was measuring it based on different antennas
Atomic Size and Mass:
convert given density to kg/m^3 = 8900kg/m^3 2) convert to moles/m^3 (kg/m^3 * mol/kg) = 150847 mol/m^3 (not rounding in my actual calculations) 3) convert to atoms/m^3 (6.022^23 atoms/mol) = 9.084e28 atoms/m^3 4) take the cube root to get the number of atoms per meter, = 4495309334 atoms/m 5) take the reciprocal to get the diameter of an atom, = 2.2245e-10 m/atom 6) find the mass of one atom (kg/mol * mol/atoms) = 9.7974e-26 kg/atom Young's Modulus: Y=(F/A)/(dL/L) 1) F=mg = (45kg)(9.8N/kg) = 441 N 2) A = (0.0018m)^2 = 3.5344e-6 m^2 3) dL = 0.0016m 4) L = 2.44m 5) Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 Interatomic Spring Stiffness: Ks,i = dY 1) From above, diameter of one atom = 2.2245e-10 m 2) From above, Y = 1.834e11 N/m^2 3) Ks,i = 40.799 N/m (not rounding in my actual calculations) Speed of Sound: v = ωd 1) ω = √(Ks,i / m,a) 2) From above, Ks,i = 40.799 N/m 3) From above, m,a = 9.7974e-26 kg 4) ω=2.0406e13 N/m*kg 5) From above, d=2.2245e-10 m 6) v=ωd = 4539 m/s (not rounding in actual calculations) Time Elapsed: 1) length sound traveled = L+dL = 2.44166 m 2) From above, speed of sound = 4539 m/s 3) T = (L+dL)/v = 0.000537505 s
Conductivity of insulator is very small as there is no free electrons to conduct the current trough that medium
So here number of conduction electrons are very less in insulators
Resistance is the property of a conducting medium which will oppose the flow of current trough it
Resistance of wire directly depends on its length so resistance of long wire will be more than the resistance of short wire
Resistance inversely depends on the area so if a wire has more crossectional area then its resistance must be small
power of light bulb is defined as rate of electrical energy
it is given by formula
P = i V
here we know that
i = 1.46 A
V = 120 volts
so power is given as