On June 21, as seen from the North pole ...
-- the sun has been up, and it's been light outside,
for the past three months ... ever since March 21 .
-- The sun won't set, and it won't be dark outside,
for another three months ... until September 21.
-- Here at the North pole, it stays daylight for six months straight.
Today, on June 21, we're exactly halfway through the period of
continuous daylight.
The energy of the wave does not move through anything
Elements of iodine are fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and astatine.
A simple example of decomposition reaction is hydrolysis of water where a water molecule is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen gas.
(1) atomic numbers
The observed regularities in the properties of the elements on the periodic table are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
- Atomic number is the number of protons in an atom.
- The periodic law states that "the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic number".
- Elements on the periodic table are arranged based on the atomic numbers they contain.
- The number of positively charged particles in an atom is the atomic number.