of 5 lb/ft and a concentrated service live load at midspan. .... length = 12 feet) to support a uniformly distributed load. Taking ... w 7..'{ 'f.- ~ s-·. 344 ft-kip. Fy : s-o ks I. 299 ft-kip. Li.. ::::- I 2.. }-t-. 150 ft-kip ..... The concrete and reinforcing steel properties are ... Neglecting beam self-weight . and based only on the ...... JI : Lf, 2. l.. ;VI.
Divide the difference in tax by the amount of income from the investment, and you'll get the economic marginal tax rate from investing. Most people refer to marginal tax rates as being identical to tax brackets.
hope this helps
have a good day :)
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Answer: The answer is D
D.In hydraulic systems, the operating temperatures must be kept between 170�F and 180°F
The operating temperature for hydraulic systems is 140°F and below. Anything above this temperature is too high and will reduce the useful life of hydraulic fluid.
Most often problems associated with hydraulic systems are caused by fluid contaminated with particulate matter.