62990.08 N/M
Circumferential stress, or hoop stress, a normal stress in the tangential (azimuth) direction. axial stress, a normal stress parallel to the axis of cylindrical symmetry. radial stress, a stress in directions coplanar with but perpendicular to the symmetry axis.
See attachment for the step by step solution of the given problem..
From the given question:
Using the distortion energy theory to determine the factors of safety FOS can be expressed by the relation:

where; syt = strength in tension and compression = 350 MPa
The maximum shear stress theory can be expressed as:


a. Using distortion - energy theory formula:

FOS = 2.183
USing the maximum-shear stress theory;

FOS = 1.977
b. σx = 110 MPa, σy = 100 MPa
Using distortion - energy theory formula:

FOS =3.322
USing the maximum-shear stress theory;

FOS = 350/2×25
FOS = 350/50
FOS = 70
c. σx = 90 MPa, σy = 20 MPa, τxy =−20 MPa
Using distortion- energy theory formula:

FOS = 350/88.88
FOS = 3.939
USing the maximum-shear stress theory;

FOS = 4.341
Death benefit from a Life insurance policy
Define Variables and Use List methods to do the following
#<em>Conjoins two lists together</em>
all_names = male_names.union(female_names)
#<em>Finds the names that appear in both lists, just returns those</em>
neutral_names = male_names.intersection(female_names)
#<em>Returns names that are NOT in both lists</em>
specific_names = male_names.symmetric_difference(female_names)