The rate of the reaction is measurable quantity that refers to the amount or how much is are chemical substances reagents used up or converted into the product over some period of time.
Rate = change in the amount/time.
This can indirectly be observed through many ways, such as the volume of gas given off if the byproduct is a gas being produced, the colour of the solution etc.
There is no air, wind, liquid water or life on the moons surface.
Increase the pressure of the gas
According to the Pressure law, for a fixed mass of gas, at a constant volume (V), the pressure (P) is directly proportional to the absolute temperature (T).
From the kinetic molecular theory, gases are composed of particles which are in constant motion, colliding with themselves as well as with the walls of their container.
When the temperature of these gas molecules is increased, the molecules acquire more kinetic energy and the rate of collisions increases. Since the container cannot expand, the increase in pressure is due to the increase in collisions between the molecules of the gas as well as with the walls of their container.
Microscope = It enables small things to paper bigger, thus enabling us to understand at a microscopic level, thus improving our understand of HOW it happens