According to research :
Methanol is a polar molecule:
The alcohol (-OH) group dominates the molecule making it definitely polar.
There are several scales to determine the weight of material. The chose of the weight scale depends upon the size of the material. Like if we have to measure the molecular or atomic weight of a molecule or atom we use gm. Like that for the bigger molecules like proteins the weight of the molecule is expressed by different scale due to its big size. Like that for big material like iron rods etc we generally use kilograms or ton. There are two types of measuring units one is C.G.S. and another is S.I. The S.I. units are more acceptable worldwide than that the C.G.S. units as the digit comes in SI units are easily handable than that of CGS.
Thus metric is used to determine a large weight of compounds which is a SI unit and handable.
Although hydrogen has the highest calorific value, it is not used as a domestic fuel. It is because hydrogen is a highly combustible and it reacts explosively when it comes in contact with air. And hence as a result, storing of the hydrogen gas is difficult and is dangerous at the same time.
The problem of energy exchange between waves and particles, which leads to energization of the latter, in an unstable plasma typical of the radiation belts. The ongoing Van Allen Probes space mission brought this problem among the most discussed in space physics. A free energy which is present in an unstable plasma provides the indispensable condition for energy transfer from lower energy particles to higher-energy particles via resonant wave-particle interaction. This process is studied in detail by the example of electron interactions with whistler mode wave packets originated from lightning-induced emission. We emphasize that in an unstable plasma, the energy source for electron energization is the energy of other particles, rather than the wave energy as is often assumed. The way by which the energy is transferred from lower energy to higher-energy particles includes two processes that operate concurrently, in the same space-time domain, or sequentially, in different space-time domains, in which a given wave packet is located. In the first process, one group of resonant particles gives the energy to the wave. The second process consists in wave absorption by another group of resonant particles, whose energy therefore increases. We argue that this mechanism represents an efficient means of electron energization in the radiation belts.
Fun facts:
In the process of energy transfer between two groups of particles both processes operate simultaneously, and if the lower energy part of plasma distribution gives energy to the wave while the higher‐energy part absorbs the wave enrgy, then the wave‐mediated energy transfer from lower energy particles to higher‐energy ...
The total number of atoms is 12 + 22 + 11 = 45, so carbon atoms are 12/45 of the total.