To solve this problem you use a conversion factor.
By taking into account that 1UA = 1.496*10^{8}km you obtain:

hence, 0.35UA is about 52,360,000km. This is the least distance between Mars and Earth
What happens to end a of the rod when the ball approaches it closely this first time is; It is strongly attracted.
I have attached the image of the rod.
We are told that the ball is much closer to the end of the rod than the length of the rod. Thus, if we point down the rod several times, the distance of approach will experience no electric field and as such the charge on end point A of the rod must be comparable in magnitude to the charge on the ball.
This means that their fields will cancel.
Finally, we can conclude that when a charge is brought close to a conductor, the opposite charges will all navigate to the point that is closest to the charge and as a result, a strong attraction will be created.
This also applies to a strong conducting rod and therefore it is strongly attracted.
Read more about Electrostatics at;
The electrons contribute just about zero to the mass of an atom.
It takes more than 1,800 electrons to make the mass of one
proton or neutron.
The naturally occurring element with the most complex atom is
Uranium. That's element #92 , so a neutral uranium atom has
92 electrons. It would take almost exactly 20 times that many
electrons to add the mass of one proton or neutron to the atom!
(And no other element has that many electrons in an atom of it.)
I understand that sound travels faster in water then in air. Water is a liquid, and air is gas.
Water still has the ability to roll the molecules over each other (so water can flow), it has some flexibility.
But I do not understand how a solid that is inflexible can make sound waves travel faster then in a flexible liquid.
In fact, sound waves travel over 17 times faster through steel than through air.
Sound waves travel over four times faster in water than it would in air.