<span>1. The correct option is ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE, ATP. ATP is the basic unit of energy transfer in the living cells. ATP is the principal energy source for metabolic functions, in the cells, ATP are consumed by endothermic metabolic reactions and they are produced by exothermic metabolic reactions.
2. To form ATP, A THIRD PHOSPHATE GROUP HAS TO BE ADDED TO ADP. ADP has two phosphate groups while ATP has three phosphate group. ADP is usulally converted to ATP by the addition of a single phosphate group.
3. ADP and ATP work together and the two can be interconverted. ATP can be hydrolysed to ADP and ADP can be converted to ATP by the addition of a single phosphate group. When energy is needed inside a cell, the ATP will split off one of its phosphate group and become ADP. This split off process produce a high qunatity of energy which is then available for the cell to use.</span>
Answer: condenstation.
The polymerization by condensation is a well know chemical reaction in which two monomers ("small" molecules), each with (at least) two functional groups, combine and relase water as by-product. Actually, even if the by-product released is not water, yet the reaction is called condenstation, since the mechanism is basically the same.
An example of such reaction is the manufacturing of nylon 6,6, which is produced from adipic acid and 1,6-diamine hexane:
HOOC - [CH₂]₄ - COOH + nH₂N - [CH₂]₆ - NH₂ → - nylon - + nH₂O
I omitted the formula of nylon because it is large, and that is not the core of the question but the fact the kind of reaction: two molecules combine to form is a larger molecule, and water is released
The structure of Dimethyl sulfide is H3C-S-CH3. It is produced naturally by some marine algae.
- DMS or dimethyl sulfide is formed by using two methyl groups combined with one sulfur atom. It is an organosulphur compound with a structural formula H3C-S-CH3.
- Most abundant biological sulfur compounds emitted to air and oceans by phytoplankton.
- DMS is produced naturally by the waste of dimethyl sulphoxide which is disposed into the sewer causing environmental odor problems.
- It is a flammable liquid that boils at 37 degrees celsius and a disagreeable smell produced from the cooking of certain vegetables also indicates bacterial contamination in the production of malt and brewing.
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