Gravity is a field force since the earth does not have to actually “touch” an object to pull it toward the earth. A magnetic force is a field force that attracts or repels another magnet. Likewise, electric charges cause attracting or repelling forces without actual contact between the charges
In order for the current to continue flowing through the circuit (and for the bulbs to continue shining), there must be a closed path containing the battery where current can flow. Let's see the effect of removing each bulb on the circuit:
- 1: when removing bulb 1 only, the current can still flow through the path battery-bulb 3- bulb 4
- 2: when removing bulb 2 only, the current can still flow through the path battery-bulb 3- bulb 4
- 3: when removing bulb 3 only, the current can still flow through the path battery-bulb 1-bulb 2- bulb 4
- 4: when removing bulb 4 only, the current can no longer flow. In fact, there is no closed path that contains the battery now, so the current will not flow and all the bulbs will stop shining.
True! First step is to make objective observations.
Using the kinetic energy 1/2mv^2 formula
5*10^5 is the answer
Scientists plan to release a space probe that will enter the atmosphere of a gaseous planet. The temperature of the gaseous planet increases linearly with the height of the atmosphere as measured from the top of a visible boundary layer, defined as 0 kilometers in altitude. The instruments on board can withstand a temperature of 601 K. At what altitude will the probe's instruments fail? A. 50 kilometers B. 80 kilometers C. 83 kilometers D. 100 kilometers E. 111 kilometers
A. 50 kilometers