The inner planets are smaller and rockier
Astronomers divide the planets into two groups in Solar system, the inner planets and outer planets. The inner planets are smaller and rockier and it is closer to the sun. The outer planets are larger , further far away and made of gas
The inner planets are Mercury, Venus , Earth and Mars. The outer planets Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus and Neptune comes after an asteroid belt. In some other planetary systems the gas are close to the sun.
particles in a disk of gas and dust will form Planets. If they orbit the star they are colliding and sticking. The stars wind blows away their gases . So the nearest planets to starts are rockier.
In the diagram, the ship send sound(?) waves to the water, to determine if there is anything there. If there is something like a sunken ship shown in the diagram, the waves return in a shorter time hence you can understand if theres something or now. This is the principle of radars and sonars.
This gots to be the answer, average, seawater in the world's oceans has a salinity of approximately 3.5%, or 35 parts per thousand.
I was struck by this many years ago while in graduate school. ... People with mental illness tend to die young , but so do their families. ... there is no medical assessment that can diagnose the absence of illness.