To get the total resistance in a parallel circuit, you need to remember that unlike in a series, you do not just merely add the resistances. You need to get the reciprocal first of each resistance and add them together.

After adding them, you will get the reciprocal again and then compute for the value. The problem says that there are 4 resistors in the circuit that have a resistance of 75.

Add up the numerator and copy the denominator:

Then get the reciprocal to get the total resistance:

The answer to your question then is A. 18.8.
Radio waves, gamma-rays, visible light, and all the other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation can be described in terms of a stream of mass-less particles, ...
The electromagnetic spectrum is a map of all the types of light that we can identify. It separates all the types of light by wavelength because that directly relates to how energetic the wave is. More energetic wave
For most of history, visible light was the only known part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The ancient Greeks recognized that light traveled in straight lines and studied some of its properties, including reflection
First change the units of the velocity, using these equivalents

The angular acceleration
the time rate of change of the angular speed
according to:

is the original velocity, in the case the velocity before starting the deceleration, and
is the final velocity, equal to zero because it has stopped.

b) To find the distance traveled in radians use the formula:

To change this result to inches, solve the angular displacement
for the distance traveled
is the radius).

c) The displacement is the difference between the original position and the final. But in every complete rotation of the rim, the point returns to its original position. so is needed to know how many rotations did the point in the 890.16 rad of distant traveled:

The real difference is in the 0.6667 (or 2/3) of the rotation. To find the distance between these positions imagine a triangle formed with the center of the blade (point C), the initial position (point A) and the final position (point B). The angle
is between the two sides known. Using the theorem of the cosine we can find the missing side of the the triangle(which is also the net displacement):

C. Increasing its buoyancy
Option c
Magnetic field lines form loops starting from north pole to south pole outside the magnet and from south pole to north pole inside the magnet.
Thus the field is such that it is directed outwards from the North pole and directed inwards to the South pole of the magnet.
A compass in a magnetic field will will comply with the magnet's North pole directing towards the magnetic field.