Middle: Self heating containers are really expensive but are useful because they are easy to use, portable, and can be recycled, unlike a camp stove which is not as easily moved.
i neeed a better image for the first an last boo<3
rats. that's all i know of Just about everything except the mother hen if they are natural hatch. Even when you incubate them there are threats. The healthy chicks will mob the weak ones, the older chicks (even by a day) will pick on the younger ones. Temperature extremes will threaten them as they need warm, humid conditions with gradual drops in surrounding temps in the brooder box. Early disease is sometimes a problem and all chicks should be started on medicated chick feed for the first few weeks to prevent several digestive diseases. Even the water dispenser can be a threat as newly hatched chicks will immerse themselves in an open water container so care should be taken to supply water in a self feeding covered dish.
M1 = 17.45 M
M2 = 0.83 M
V2 = 250 ml
M1. V1= M2. V2
V1 = (M2. V2)/M1 = (0.83× 250)/ 17.45= 11.89 ml
an alloy is a mixture of elements that has metallic properties
I can help. What is wrong.