1 m = 39.37 in = 39.37/12 ft = 3.28 ft
V = 1145 k/hr = 1145k/hr * 6076 ft/k = 6957020 ft / hr
V = 6957020 ft/hr / 3600 s/hr = 1933 ft/sec
V = 1933 ft/sec / (3.28 ft / m) = 589 m/s
88 ft/sec = 60 mph
(1145 k/hr * 6076 ft / k) 3600 sec/hr = 1933 ft/sec = 589 m/s
1933 ft/sec / (88 ft/sec) * 60 mph = 1318 mph
Also, 1318 / 1145 = 6076 / 5280 as it should
Because many fuels are fossil fuels they take millions of years to form and the known reserves are being used much faster than the new ones being made
(c) no different than on a low-pressure day.
The force acting on the ship when it floats in water is the buoyant force. According to the Archimedes' principle: The magnitude of buoyant force acting on the body of the object is equal to the volume displaced by the object.
Thus, Buoyant forces are a volume phenomenon and is determined by the volume of the fluid displaced.
<u>Whether it is a high pressure day or a low pressure day, the level of the floating ship is unaffected because the increased or decreased pressure at the all the points of the water and the ship and there will be no change in the volume of the water displaced by the ship.</u>
Light energy is defined as how nature moves energy at an extremely rapid rate, and it makes up about 99% of the body's atoms and cells, and signal all body parts to carry out their respective tasks. An example of light energy is the movement of a radio signal.
270 μA
Use the magnetic field due to long, straight wire and solve for current I.

plug in the values

= 2.7×10^{-4)×10^6
=270 μA
The current that flows in the heart is 270 μA