Answer: The correct explanation is 2.
Explanation: The warm air is less dense (it expands) and thus it is lighter than the cold air so it will rise up to the floor. Therefore, when you place the heater on the floor it will warm the cold air which would then rise and be replaced by more cold air which would again get warm and rise and so on until the room is heated. This means that the correct explanation is 2.
On the other hand, if you put the heater at the ceiling, it will warm the cold air near the ceiling which would stay up there (it is lighter than the cold air under it). This means that the only way for the heat to spread from this ceiling level warm air to the lower levels is via conduction which is slow.
Kevin wants to make the firm private
Based on the information provided within the question in regards to the situation it seems that Kevin wants to make the firm private. Private Firms are companies that are owned by non-governmental entities or instead owned by a single individual or a very small amount of shareholders. Which is what Kevin seems to be wanting to do since he wants to buy back all the shares of the company so that only his family owns the company.
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