A cubic inch is a unit of volume. It is the size of a cube that is 1 inch on a side. It is approximately 1.1 tablespoons, or about 16.4 cubic centimeters. A liter, or litre, is a unit of volume in the metric system.
Answer : Option E) 50 grams.
Explanation : According to the solubility curves the compound to dissolve at 50 °C in 100 mL of water will need 50 grams of the compound. It is clearly indicated in the graph which is marked with red that at 50°C approximately 50.4 grams of the compound will be needed to dissolved in 100 mL of water to form a solution.
The answer is <span>ionic aluminum fluoride (</span>AlF3). Note that boiling points of pure solvents are raised in the presence of solutes. The type of solute also affects the boiling point elevation of the solution. Ionic substances tend to raise it more than covalent ones, so sucrose is out of the picture. Next, consider the number of ions the ionic substance produces. The more ions, the greater the BPE. AlF3 dissociates into 4 ions.
1. According to Rutherford and soddy's law of Beta emission:
3. According to Rutherford and soddy's law of Alpha emission:
4. The process in which two or more light nuclei are combined to form a single nucleus with the release of tremendous amount of energy is called a nuclear fusion. The inner core of Sun is at very high temperature and is suitable for fusion. In fact the source of energy of Sun and other stars is nuclear fusion reactions.
I believe it really only has 1 valence electrons