Asolid rectangular rodhas a length of 90mm, made of steel material (E =207,000 MPa, Syield= 300 MPa), the cross section of the r
od is shownbelow.If the boundary conditions are fixed-freeand a safety factor of 2 on loadis required, (1)Find themaximumallowable load (Pallowable)on the rod. [9points]{hint: Pallowable= Pcr/required safety factor}(2)If the same critical load (Pcr) calculated from (1)above(Pcrisalready taken into accounta safety factor of 2)is applied to a solid round rodunderthe same boundary conditions, what is the minimum required diameter of the rod against buckling? [9points]
We consider diameter to be a chord that runs through the center point of the circle. It is considered as the longest possible chord of any circle. The center of a circle is the midpoint of its diameter. That is, it divides it into two equal parts, each of which is a radius of the circle. The radius is half the diameter.
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Ceramics are used to make cooktops if you look it up and according to my engineering and design class ceramics have high heat resistance and melting points, and make good electrical insulators.