I think it’s B environmental health or its A emotional but I say most likely B :)
The environment forms the basis of man's existence as it harbors everything we need in other to survive, This include the air, and other natural resources, including the activities of human, animal and other necessary conditions required for growth and development. An environment, devoid of natural resources will likely fail to house manufacturing plants. Similarly, an environment devoid of adequate power and other environmental friendly services, it will be difficult for such environment to harbor developmental projects and hence growth becomes very difficult.
Kindly check answer
Commercial fruit growing, especially the deciduous type is not traditional in Nepal. Therefore, it is limited largely to homestead gardens and fruits are used mainly for domestic consumption. The local peach, pear, plum and walnut are grown in scattered locations, they are of inferior quality and have very little commercial value. This however, indicates the potential for growing temperate fruits in Nepal. For the first time in Nepal a Department of Agriculture was established in 1925. After this, a number of different fruit species, mostly temperate fruits were introduced to Balaju and Godavari orchards in Kathmandu. Only after 1950 several promotional activities on fruit development were undertaken in Nepal. For the first time a Horticulture Development Section was established under the Department of Agriculture in 1955. Several improved cultivars of Asian pear, peach, plum, persimmon, cherry and apple were introduced to Singh Durbar and Kakani farms and cultivar performance studies and propagation activities were started with bilateral assistance from USAID until 1963. From this time the Government of Nepal placed special emphasis on fruit development in the hills. The period from 1960 to 1973 was a very crucial period because this is the time when six temperate horticultural stations were established at different locations of the country with support from the Indian Cooperation Mission (ICM). Many new cultivars of deciduous fruits were introduced into these stations from India. In these stations a number of activities were started including cultivar performance studies, planting material production and distribution, training of farmers etc. As a result, the area under deciduous fruits increased dramatically. A number of new temperate fruits and additional new cultivars were introduced and key horticultural stations were strengthened during 1977 to 1980 under the Hill Agriculture Development Project assisted by FAO.
if it's a guy kick their balls if it's a girl np just make them embarrassed lol
If we are talking about firefighter apparatus then as a volunteer I can honestly say it depends on the call type and the stations regulation to a specific call