The temperature at which the sample of liquid turns to gas at 135 °C is termed as boiling point.
Answer: Option A
The observation of conversion of liquid to gas indicates that there is occurrence of change in the state of matter. The inter-conversion from one state to another can be done by either varying the temperature or by varying the pressure.
In this case, the liquid on heating gets converted to gaseous state after attaining a particular temperature say 135 °C. So, this process of conversion from liquid to gaseous state on heating is termed as boiling.
The temperature at which a liquid converts to gas is termed as the boiling point of that liquid.
Answer: 7022.2kg/m³, yes, I was cheated
Density of an object is defined as the ratio of the mass of the object to its volume. Mathematically;
Density = Mass/Volume
Note that the unit of both mass and volume must be standard unit.
Given mass = 0.0158kg
Dimension of the metal = 5mm×15mm×30mm
Note that 1mm = 0.001m
The volume of the metal will be
= 0.00000225m³
Density = 0.0158/0.00000225
Average density of the metal = 7022.2kg/m³
Since the standard density of Gold is 19,320kg/m³ and is higher than the density prescribed for me, it shows the I was cheated.
According to the article "Nuclear shapes" by Renee Lucas the nucleus's shape is mainly modified by vibrational and rotational features happening within the cell. According to the article if i read correctly "near closed shells spherical shapes prevail, while between closed shells the large number of valence nucleons in orbit with large particle angular momentum leads to nuclei with large deformations leading them to not only maintain its shape but also alloying it to work.