Her daughter, nice brainteaser
F = ma (force = mass x acceleration)
So the car’s mass affects the amount of force, changing how it would roll down a ramp, I think.
Well they could go down a hill to gain more kinetic energy.
°C = (5/9) · (°F-32)
The "wet" thermometer is the upper one ... you can see the wet cloth wrapped around the bulb at the end. It's reading 70° F.
°C = (5/9) · (38) = 21.1° C
The "dry" thermometer is the lower one. It's reading 80° F.
°C = (5/9) · (48) = 26.7° C
So it looks like choice-A is your answer.
Yeah, hand signals are important in officiating games. The hand signals are given by the referee who first signals the fault and then indicates which team has won the point. A point is indicated by one finger at the side of the court to indicate the winner of the rally.