The car accelerated at around ~5.7 m/s
The force exerted on the box is 56 N
The work done by a force on an object is given by

F is the magnitude of the force
d is the displacement of the object
is the angle between the direction of the force and of the displacement
For the box in this problem, we have:
W = 2240 J is the work done
d = 40 m is the displacement of the box
Assuming that the force is parallel to the displacement, 
Solving the equation for F, we find the force exerted on the box:

Learn more about work:
vector is the answer of this blank
If both bars are made of a good conductor, then their specific heat capacities must be different. If both are metals, specific heat capacities of different metals can vary by quite a bit, eg, both are in kJ/kgK, Potassium is 0.13, and Lithium is very high at 3.57 - both of these are quite good conductors.
If one of the bars is a good conductor and the other is a good insulator, then, after the surface application of heat, the temperatures at the surfaces are almost bound to be different. This is because the heat will be rapidly conducted into the body of the conducting bar, soon achieving a constant temperature throughout the bar. Whereas, with the insulator, the heat will tend to stay where it's put, heating the bar considerably over that area. As the heat slowly conducts into the bar, it will also start to cool from its surface, because it's so hot, and even if it has the same heat capacity as the other bar, which might be possible, it will eventually reach a lower, steady temperature throughout.
Both technicians are correct
In automobiles, governors are being used. Governors are also known for speed limiters as they can regulate and measure the speed of the automobile.
Hydraulic Transmission: Shifting is controlled by mechanical sensors according to vehicle speed and throttle position/manifold vacuum through valving operated by hydraulic 'pilot' signals.
Electronic Transmission: Shifting is controlled by an on-board computer that receives signals from electronic sensors.