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Cuando el cilindro de 40 libras está conectado al cilindro de 100 libras, generamos una presión que continúa hasta que los dos cilindros alcanzan la misma presión de gas en equilibrio. Recuerde que el cilindro de 100 libras estaba inicialmente vacío. Esto significa que su presión inicial es 0. El cilindro de 40 libras ya estaba lleno, por lo que dividimos esta cantidad en dos para tener en cuenta su distribución entre los dos cilindros.
Ahora tenemos 20 libras de gas propano presentes en cada cilindro. La implicación de esto es que, en el cilindro de 100 libras, necesitamos 80 libras adicionales para completar las 100 libras.
Oxygen is needed to carry out a lot of biochemical processes in the body. If the amount of oxygen available to the blood decreases significantly a lot of things will go wrong in the body. For instance, lack of adequate oxygen will lead to the death of neurons which will eventually leads to brain cells death and irreparable brain damage. Oxygen is also needed for cellular respiration, without respiration, there will not be oxygen for carrying out various cellular activities and this will result into death. Oxygen deprivation will also leads to difficulty in breathing and other associated problems.
The number following the name of the element is the number of subatomic particles inside the nucleus of the atom. This means that it is the mass number of the isotope. The average atomic mass of the element is the sum of the products of the percentage abundance and mass number of the naturally occurring isotopes.
Since, the average atomic mass of the hydrogen is nearest to 1 then, the most abundant isotope should be hydrogen-1.
cause 2 + 2 is equal to 9
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