10/8 in simplest form:
First, we can start off by finding the GCF of the denominator and the numerator. To do so, we need to list the factors of each of them and find the common ones.
Factors of 10: 1, 2, 5, 10
Factors of 8: 1, 2, 4, 8
We can see that our common factors are 1 and 2, considering that both the numerator and denominator has the same factors (1 and 2). Since we have our common factors, we need to find the greatest. Which is the greatest out of 1 and 2? The GCF is 2 because it is bigger than 1.
Second, divide the numerator and the denominator by the GCF (2).
Third, now we can revise our fraction and turn it into the simplest form. Take the two numbers you just got above us and put them in their numerator and denominator spot. You should get:
Answer in fraction form:
Answer in decimal form:
Answer in mixed number form:
So the question is the original price was $791 and they bought it at the marked down price at $474.60? then they saved $316.40 but i’m not really sure if that’s the question lol
Answer/Step-by-step explanation:
2) There is a cluster, and as x increases, y increases.
As x increases y increases it may be confusing because it steps down and then goes back up the overall shows that the number has gone up. it is a cluster because all the numbers are in a very close group.
1/3m +3 - 5/6m= -15
I am going to change the first fraction to match the second fraction
2/6m +3 - 5/6m= -15
Simplify by subtracting 5/6m from 2/6m
-3/6m +3 = -15
Subtract 3 from each side
-3/6m = -18
Take the minus signs off
3/6m = 18
1/2m = 18
Divide by 1/2 on each side
m= 18 ÷ 1/2= 36
Option D, m is 36
Hope this helped