quasi-strict scrutiny approach
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the approach most likely to be adopted for this case is quasi-strict scrutiny approach. This refers to a statutory classification that deals with gender or legitimacy. Which is exactly what this is case is in regards to, as they are filling a suit on the basis that they are being treated differently based on their gender.
Prepare a detailed business for financial viability study
controlling, organizing, planning, and leading
From the question we are informed that Carol's manager is retiring and she will take over. And she will take over management position. Carol needs to have a general understanding of what it takes to be a manager. Therefore in this case, She will need to have knowledge about ✓controlling
✓ leading
And all of these are managerial function which are managerial job role as regards to task-based perspective.
Organizing can be regarded as function of management which requires development of organizational structure as well as allocation of human resources so that objective of organization can be met
Planning which requires the manager to create plans so that goals and objectives can be achieved. It involves
delegation of responsibilities, allocation of employee resources
D. The order quantity is constant, regardless of the demand.
Basic Continuous Review Model relates to inventory stock management, where each time an inventory unit is added in or moved out the stock level is calculated again.
It do not assume that the order quantity is constant as it calculates inventory level after each order, there is no basic assumption as such.
The review model keeps on moving the stock and tries to maintain such level as by ordering the quantity sold, and it keeps on rotating, but there is no standard set for order quantity.