He made great advancements in developing a logical way to know more about the universe and celestial entities inside the space. And this theory is termed to be heliocentric in nature.
- In early times most of the people believed that our planet Earth is the center of the universe or the solar system and rest of the celestial entities move around it in a given path, so, it confused the well known scientist named as Galileo Galilei. As, he observed the different dark patches or shadow like textures on the face of the Sun.
- While, it is more obvious to known that any object having multiple small shadows means that it is present inside such a region that all of the celestial entities move or orbit around it in a given way.So, he concluded that planet Earth itself move around the red Giant in a given way rather then being the center of the universe.
An airplane is flying at a constant speed in a positive direction. It slows down when it approaches the airport where it's going to land. this is an example of negative acceleration (D).
A thin atmosphere does not supply much oxygen, and the heat from the sun would evaporate it, because mercury is close to the sun.