Answer: compound
Element is a pure substance which is composed of atoms of similar elements.It can not be decomposed into simpler constituents using chemical reactions.Example: Copper
Compound is a pure substance which is made from atoms of different elements combined together in a fixed ratio by mass.It can be decomposed into simpler constituents using chemical reactions. Example: water
Mixture is a substance which has two or more components which do not combine chemically and do not have any fixed ratio in which they are present. Example: Air
Autotrophs utilize the energy from sunlight to reduce carbon dioxide to carbohydrates (glucose). The energy from the sunlight is used to split water into H+ and O2- and the H+ used in the reduction process. The labeled carbon in the carbon dioxide will, therefore, be incorporated by the autotrophs in the carbohydrates made in photosynthesis.
Answer: it is 5.5 mg
you have to multiply the mass value by 1000
3 subatomic particles in the nucleus
which is proton(24),neutron (28) and electrons(24)
Nope. It is false. Temperature decreases as altitude increases.