47911.1 pa
The SI base unit of pressure is pascal, which is N/m^2.
2200 kg is 2200*9.8=21560 N, and 4500 cm^2=4500/10000=0.45 m^2.
So the total pressure exerted on the ground (!!) is 21560/0.45= 47911.1 Pa.
Galileo disproved the Ptolemaic theory, sanctioned for centuries by the Church, which held the Earth to be the central and principal object in the universe, about which all celestial objects orbited.
Rock cycle - a process in which a rock forms, changes from one type of rock to another, forms again by processes on and in the Earth.
Metamorphic Rock - Rocks changed by intense heat or extreme pressure.
Sedimentary Rock - A rock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together.
Igneous Rock - A rock that forms when molten rock cools and hardens.
Conduction: Touching a stove and being burned. Ice cooling down your hand. Boiling water by thrusting a red-hot piece of iron into it.