A laser is worked by electromagnetic radiation. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation".
The trachea is a tube that carries air inside the lungs.
The sharp nail has a less surface area in comparison to a blunt nail and pressure is inversely proportional to area so it is easier to Hamer a sharp nail into a wood rather than having a blunt nail in wood
Yes , it is possible for two different atoms of carbon to have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei .
Isotopes -
Atoms of the element with same number of the electrons and protons , but differ in the number of neutrons , are called as the isotopes .
The isotopes of the element have the same number of protons and electrons , hence have the same chemical and physical properties .
Many isotopes occurs naturally .
In case of Carbon ,
Carbon too have isotopes ,
Carbon - 13 and Carbon - 14
carbon - 13 , have seven neutrons
Carbon - 14 , have eight neutrons .