A hydrate is a chemical that has water molecules loosely bonded to it. The water molecules are not ... You will be using the hydrate CuSO4 . ?H2O. Sample Calculation-. An empty crucible has a mass of 12.770 grams.
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However, it should be noted that addition of soluble salts generally lowers the freezing point of water hence after the addition, water will no longer freeze at 0°C but lower.
Soluble salts tend to form more ions in water, it is these ions that are responsible for interfering with the hydrogen bonds hence lowering the freezing. Thus, (since each bag are of the same weight) <u>the bag that contains the salt that ionizes more in water will lower the freezing point by the greatest amount</u>.
NOTE: Different weight of the salts could lead to more ions been formed in the water by some salts as against the other.
Atomic or hybrid orbital on the central br atom makes up the sigma bond between this br and an outer f atom in bromine trifluoride, brf3 is sp2 hybridization
Trigonal hybridization is another name for sp2 hybridization. It entails combining one's' orbital with two 'p' orbitals of equal energy to create a new hybrid orbital known as sp2. A trigonal symmetry combination of s and p orbitals that is kept at 120
One of the hybrid orbitals formed when one s orbital and two p orbitals are mathematically merged to form three new equivalent orbitals orientated toward the corners of a triangle is sp2 hybridization.
The only feasible molecule geometry for sp2 hybridized center atoms is trigonal planar. When all of the bonds are in place, the shape is trigonal planar as well.
To learn more about sp2 hybridization please visit -
The scientist can analyze that data and help other scientists with his research