Glaciers also deposits materials in new places when they melt.
- Glaciers are made up of snow flakes that has compressed through time.
- In temperate and polar regions where they are prevalent, they are powerful agents of denudation.
- They can erode, transport and deposit earth materials in places.
- When a glacier retreats by melting, it deposit some of its materials in new places.
- Most of this sediment are called tillites.
- They are made up of unsorted materials of different size grains.
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Metamorphic rock
During this process. A. Solid turns directly into a Gas.
there is a google calculator for this, but i don't know the exact formula.
Group 18 is known as the Noble/ Inert Gases
When you breathe in, or inhale, your diaphragm contracts and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, and your lungs expand into it. The muscles between your ribs also help enlarge the chest cavity. They contract to pull your rib cage both upward and outward when you inhale.