-In electronics, a multiplexer, also known as a data, is a device that selects between several analog or digital input signals and forwards it to a single output line.
-This device combines multiple circuits at one end of a connection into a single complex circuit on a single wire.
-The selected signals is then transmitted at a higher speed.
4/3 m/s ( approximately 1.3333... m/s)
Saturated zone is area below the water table in which the soil is completely saturated with groundwater.
The saturated zone lies below the ground. It is mainly the lower zone of rock along with the water table where pore spaces are completely filled with water. Even the saturated zone is sometimes separated into 2 subzones: the phreatic zone and the capillary fringe.
The area where pores spaces are not saturated with water is also unsaturated zone. Localized saturated zones can occur within the unsaturated zone. The unsaturated zone lies above the groundwater table.
Because its has to use tihs potential energy to overcome the atmosphere so the shuttle will not go back down