B. The only planet to support life.
The top number of a portion is called its numerator whereas the bottom number is its denominator. So a Fraction is the quantity of shaded parts separated by the quantity of a balance of as demonstrated as follows: number of shaded parts is the numerator over the whole part which is the denominator.
B, (logic) D (knowledge)
Problem solving refers to the ability to figure out an answer to a question. The question can be general, such as how to design an experiment, or it can be more specific, such as how to calculate speed (its distance divided by time). Reasoning is closely related to problem solving. When scientists reason, they use logic and knowledge to make conclusions and decisions. The processes of reasoning and problem solving are usually more educational than the answer. Figuring something out is a wonderful workout for your brain.
(got this from the source)
Hope this helps!!!
You have to add a photo to we can understand - Yuno Gasai
Tollens' reagent is prepared by using two-step process : -
Step 1:
Silver oxide is formed by mixing aqueous silver nitrate with base like sodium hydroxide. The reaction is shown below as:
Step 2
Ammonia solution is drop-wise added until all the silver oxide dissolves to form the reagent. The reaction is shown below as: