Run off
Run-off are the water sources that becomes polluted as they travel over the earth surface.
Surface run-off are water that moves on the earth surface. This water is a component of the water cycle which usually originate from precipitation.
- As the water moves through different terrain it comes into contact with different pollutants.
- Some of these run-off travels through mines, waste disposal sites among others.
- This leads to the contamination of this form of water as it moves through these earth materials.
- They are the most polluted water
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Ocean water
Because going down a column you are jumping up to the next higher main energy level (n) and each energy level is further out from the nucleus
Remember pH=-log(H ions). So it would be pH=-log(10^-7).
It can form a covalent bond with a hydrogen bond that has one valence electron to have eight valence electrons and become stable.