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Conduction directly affects air temperature only a few centimeters into the atmosphere. During the day, sunlight heats the ground, which in turn heats the air directly above it via conduction. At night, the ground cools and the heat flows from the warmer air directly above to the cooler ground via conduction.
pH = 6.999
The solution is acidic.
HBr is a strong acid, a very strong one.
In water, this acid is totally dissociated.
HBr + H₂O → H₃O⁺ + Br⁻
We can think pH, as - log 7.75×10⁻¹² but this is 11.1
acid pH can't never be higher than 7.
We apply the charge balance:
[H⁺] = [Br⁻] + [OH⁻]
All the protons come from the bromide and the OH⁻ that come from water.
We can also think [OH⁻] = Kw / [H⁺] so:
[H⁺] = [Br⁻] + Kw / [H⁺]
Now, our unknown is [H⁺]
[H⁺] = 7.75×10⁻¹² + 1×10⁻¹⁴ / [H⁺]
[H⁺] = (7.75×10⁻¹² [H⁺] + 1×10⁻¹⁴) / [H⁺]
This is quadratic equation: [H⁺]² - 7.75×10⁻¹² [H⁺] - 1×10⁻¹⁴
a = 1 ; b = - 7.75×10⁻¹² ; c = -1×10⁻¹⁴
(-b +- √(b² - 4ac) / (2a)
[H⁺] = 1.000038751×10⁻⁷
- log [H⁺] = pH → 6.999
A very strong acid as HBr, in this case, it is so diluted that its pH is almost neutral.
Answer: When pressure cooker is used steam is trapped in the pot and it increases the pressure above the water. this causes the water to boil at a temperature more than 100 C. when you pull back on the plunger, the pressure in the syringe is reduced and the liquid boils at a lower temperature