Methods of soil conservation are listed below.
The major sources of soil erosion include water,wind and tillage. In order to mitigate or prevent soil erosion, some of the following techniques can be implemented:
- <u>Contour Farming: </u>Planting in row patterns that run level around a hill — as opposed to the up and down the slope pattern.This reduces runoffs and consequently water erosion.
- <u>Crop Rotation:</u> This involves planting crops with high residue (e.g corn, small grains, e.t.c) in rotation,as the layer of residue would protect the topsoil.
- <u>Built in structural diversion</u> : Used often for gully control, to regulate flow of water away from the field and through designated desired paths.
- <u>Conservation Tillage</u>: This involves methods such as no-till planting, strip rotary tillage, etc, which do not allow the soil surface to be smooth and bare, but instead covered with crop residue that protects the soil from eroding forces.
For pure substances, the mass and volume will always be the same or will always change the same way because all substance are the same throughout.
While for mixtures, you can have varying amount of each component therefore mass and volume will not change the same way for substances
B. White Dwarf.
The star would eventually run out of hydrogen fuel in the core. The core would shrink and heats up. As the temperature in the core increases, some of the helium in the core will undergo the triple-alpha process to produce elements such as Be, C, and O. The triple-alpha process will heat the outer layers of the star and blow them away from the core. This process will take a long time. Meanwhile, a planetary nebula will form.
As the outer layers of gas leave the core and cool down, they become no longer visible. The only thing left is the core of the star. Consider the Chandrasekhar Limit:
Chandrasekhar Limit:
A star with core mass smaller than the Chandrasekhar Limit will not overcome electron degeneracy and end up as a white dwarf. Most of the outer layer of the star in question here will be blown away already. The core mass of this star will be only a fraction of its
, which is much smaller than the Chandrasekhar Limit.
As the star completes the triple alpha process, its core continues to get smaller. Eventually, atoms will get so close that electrons from two nearby atoms will almost run into each other. By Pauli Exclusion Principle, that's not going to happen. Electron degeneracy will exert a strong outward force on the core. It would balance the inward gravitational pull and prevent the star from collapsing any further. The star will not go any smaller. Still, it will gain in temperature and glow on the blue end of the spectrum. It will end up as a white dwarf.
A coordination complex consists of a central atom or Jon, which usually metallic and is called the coordination centre, and a surrounding array of bound molecules or ions, that are in turn known as ligand or complexing agents