Precentage error = 7.23%
The precentage error formula is the useful method for determining precision of your experimental result
It can be calculated using :

So we get percentage error = 7.23%
Precision means how close the experimental value to the true value or theoretical value
If percentage error is large it means experimental results are deviated and there is need to check mistakes,imprecision in the experiment
If the percentage error is zero it means the experiment is perfectly done without inaccuracy
Boil the water until it evaporates
If the water evaporates the sugar will no longer bond to it and then percipitate at the bottom of the beaker.
Option-B (water) is the correct answer.
Gas hydrates are made up of Solid-Ice water and a natural gas like Methane gas trapped in the lattice of ice water. Gas hydrates are mainly found deep down in the sea where the atmospheric pressure is greater than 1 atm.
Generally Gas hydrates have two main applications.
a) It stabilizes the sea floor other wise its melting will cause land sliding in sea floor.
b) Secondly, it traps a green house gases like Methane, if released these gases could produce Climate changes.
Critical pressure is the pressure of a gas or vapor in its critical state and critical point is a point on a phase diagram at which both the liquid and gas phases of a substance have the same density, and are therefore indistinguishable.
Thankyou for points!!!!!!!!