How many moles KCl in 1 grams? The answer is 0.013413582325
1 mole is equal to 1 moles KCl, or 74.5513 grams.
447.3078 is the answer
1 mole is equal to 1 moles Arsenic Trichloride, or 181.2806 grams.
10) Arsenic is a chemical agent which was used in preserving dead bodies in the past. It is mainly a formaldehyde mixture with coloring agents to give a dead body the look of life. Sylvester was a third mummy that was embalmed with arsenic in the late 1800s and is now on exhibit at Ye Olde Curiosity Shop in Seattle, Washington. His mummified body showed an extremely unusual since the remains weighed approximately 80 lbs when a body is composed of 70-80% water, after dehydration, the weight should be about 20-30% the premortem weight. The solution was also used during Civil War to preserve dead bodies <span>as the dead were being shipped home from the battlefield.
9) R<span>esearch can yield dates when certain plants/animals became domesticated and entered the standard diets of people, meaning you would not see masses eating beef before the cow became domesticated. To further this you can look at when a specific food was introduced into the diets of people in the geographic area of the person you are studying. </span>
use variable
1K₂MnF₆ + aSbF₅⇒ bKSbF₆ + cMnF₃ + dF₂
K, left=2,right=b⇒b=2
Mn, left=1, right=c⇒c=1
Sb, left=a, right=b⇒a=b=2
F, left=6.1+5a, right=6b+3c+2d
6+5(2) = 6(2)+3(1)+2d
So the reaction equation becomes:
1K₂MnF₆ + 2SbF₅⇒ 2KSbF₆ + 1MnF₃ + 0.5F₂ x2
2K₂MnF₆ + 4SbF₅⇒ 4KSbF₆ + 2MnF₃ + F₂