In cold winter day, the body temperature falls down from normal temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) to 95°F (35°C). In winter body losses heat faster than it generates heat. If the temperature fall further below 95°F (35°C), it is emergency condition known as Hypothermia. One has to consult doctor in this case.
In summer hot days, body evaporates water in the form of sweat, in order to remain itself cool. Rise of temperature up to 100°F is normal. It is recommended to hydrate body to maintain temperature in summer days.
<em>An is formed when an atom loses or gains one or more electrons. Because the number of electrons in an ion is different from the number of protons, an ion does have an overall electric charge. Consider how a positive ion can form from an atom. The left side of the illustration below represents a sodium (Na) atom</em>
While the answer is that it does, it transmits light VERY poorly. Most of the light bounces off it and the rest is refracted into the ocean. This is why you can't see much that is far away from you in the ocean unlike if you're just on land.
It gets attracted due to electro magnetizing
Frost will disturb the smooth flow of air over the wing, unpleasantly
distressing its lifting competence. In other words, this spoils the even flow
of air over the wings, by this means decreasing lifting capability. Also, frost
may avoid the airplane from becoming flying at normal departure speed.