First, calculate the work done: 54 x 10 = 540J.
Now calculate power: 540 / 6 = 90.
The answer is 90W.
Hope this helps.
To find work, you use the equation: W = Force X Distance X Cos (0 degrees)
Following the Law of Conservation of Energy, energy cannot be destroyed nor created.
So you would do 75 N x 10m x Cos (0 degrees)= 750 J
Common health issues that can be positively affected, prevented or controlled by exercise.
Of course steady state condition occurs in almost any system but time it will occurs varies among system. for this kind of system, conduction, steady state conduction occurs when the temperature change from one point to the point is already constant. steady state is not achieved immediately because the heat travels and material will not be heated at the same way at the starting point.