A, T, C y G, son las "letras" del código del ADN; representan los compuestos químicos adenina (A), timina (T), citosina (C) y guanina (G), respectivamente, que constituyen las bases de nucleótidos del ADN. ...El código genético es el conjunto de reglas que define cómo se traduce una secuencia de nucleótidos en el ARNm a una secuencia de aminoácidos en una proteína
I have completed the problem
B. Distributed over a very wide range
D. Limited life existence in geologic time.
Index fossils are very unique fossils that helps in determining the relative ages of rocks and biostratigraphic correlation. They are usually called guide fossils.
- Fossils are the preserved remains of dead organisms found in rocks.
- Index fossils are a special class of fossils with the following properties;
- They are widely distributed.
- They have a short stratigraphic range.
- They show rapid evolution trends
To combine these you would need to perform Dehydration synthesis which removes a water molecule. So it would be c12h22o11