The thermal energy of an object is the energy contained in the motion and vibration of its molecules. Thermal energy is measured through temperature. The energy contained in the small motions of the object's molecules can be broken up into a combination of microscopic kinetic energy and potential energy.
Resistors and reactors, for use over 600 volts, shall not be installed in close enough proximity to combustible materials to constitute a fire hazard and shall have a clearance of not less than<u> 300 mm </u>from combustible materials.
- The hazards associated with high power industrial resistors are primarily due to their open construction, which is necessary for cooling.
- The exposed conductors which make up the resistors can be not only a shock hazard but also a thermal burn hazard.
- When a resistor fails, it either goes open or the resistance increases. When the resistance increases, it can burn the board, or burn itself up.
- Avoid touching non-flammable resistors in operation; the surface temperature ranges from approximately 350 °C to 400°C when utilized at the full rated value. Maintaining a surface temperature of 200°C or less will extend resistors service life.
- Do not apply power to a circuit while measuring resistance. When you are finished using an ohmmeter, switch it to the OFF position if one is provided and remove the leads from the meter.
- Always adjust the ohmmeter for 0 (or in shunt ohmmeter) after you change ranges before making the resistance measurement.
Use the magnitude and direction of each vector to find its components. Add the components that are along the same dimension. Then use Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.
For example, if we have a vector of magnitude A and direction α, and another vector of magnitude B and direction β, then the components of the first vector are:
Ax = A cos α
Ay = A sin α
And the components of the second vector are:
Bx = B cos β
By = B sin β
The resultant vector (we'll call it C) has components:
Cx = Ax + Bx
Cy = Ay + By
The magnitude of the resultant vector is:
C = √(Cx² + Cy²)
And the direction of the resultant vector is:
θ = atan(Cy/Cx)
Classically and Newtonianly, it's the sum of the chemical energy if any,
the electrical energy if any, the thermal energy if any, and the mechanical
energy consisting of potential and kinetic energy if any.
The mechanical energy, consisting of potential and kinetic energy if any, is
0.001 x [ (acceleration of gravity x height) + (1/2) (speed)² ] .
But I've got a sneaky hunch that you're not talking about any of these.
You want to know how much [ <em><u>mc</u>² </em>] there is in 1 gram of mass. No prob.
E = m c² = (0.001) x (3 x 10⁸)² = <em>9 x 10¹³ joules</em>
That's the energy that a 1,000-watt toaster uses
in <em>2,852 years</em> of continuous toasting.
I think it might be a gravitational pull