<em>Python code is as follows:
#function to get number up to any number of decimal places
def toFixed(value, digits):
return "%.*f" % (digits, value)
print("Enter the price: ", end='', flush=True) #prompt for the input of price
price = float(input()) #taken input
totalCost = price + 0.05 * price #calculating cost
print("Total Cost after the sales tax of 5% is applied: " + toFixed(totalCost,2)) #print and output totalCost
The first thing we will do is convert the units. Miles per hour to meters per second.
Performing the operations
Now, we will use the acceleration formula
Where v = speed and t = time
Substituting the values of
This is an arch, its basically a half circle attach to a rectangle, you could also think of it as an upside down U. A dome is a Sphere with the inside hollowed out.
1 difference is a dome is a 3 dimensional shape while an arch is normally not. Or that a dome is the complete shape with a arch act as it’s diameter.