Natural science is concerned with the description, prediction, and understanding of natural phenomena based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation. It can be divided into two main branches: life science (or biological science) and physical science.
Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy that treats mental disorders through different ways, such as dream interpretation. It is a way of looking into the line between conscious and <span>unconsciousness </span>
Behaviorism is a theory that says that mental disorders are treated better with altering the persons behavior patterns.
I think they're different because behaviorism is just simply a theory and not actually a form of therapy.
Hopefully that helps you tell them apart!
I don't know how good you are at sketching ... I'm terrible.
But you can put the point across in a dramatic way if you
can sketch a bowling ball and a basketball ... you'll need
to clearly identify them with the markings you sketch on
each ball.
They're the same shape and nearly the same size, but
there's a huge difference in their densities.
A gyre is a set of currents that form b. a loop. The circulation of gyres are affected by global wind patterns, landmasses, and the planet's rotation. The circulation is also affected by temperature, as warm water goes up and cold water sinks. There are five major gyres in the world: <span>North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian, North Pacific, and South Pacific.</span>
To solve this problem we will apply the concept of wavelength, which warns that this is equivalent to the relationship between the speed of the air (in this case in through the air) and the frequency of that wave. The air is in standard conditions so we have the relation,
Speed of sound in air 
The definition of wavelength is,

v = Velocity
f = Frequency

Therefore the wavelength of that tone in air at standard conditions is 0.589m