Here are 5:
Distance from source to receiver
Wind speed and direction
Wind gradients
Temperature gradients
Atmospheric attenuation
and there are many more...
Hope that was helpful.Thank you!!!
Microwaves and radio waves are employed in radio and satellite communications while infrared waves are used in remote controls and infrared features of new phones and other electrons. However, gamma rays have far too much energy and cause damage to the body. They are not used in communication.
The answer is A.
the order of importance must be b e a f c
Modern theories indicate that the moon was formed by the collision of a bad plant with the Earth during its initial cooling period, due to which part of the earth's material was volatilized and as a ring of remains that eventually consolidated in Moon.
Based on the aforementioned, let's analyze the statements in order of importance
b) True. Since the moon is material evaporated from Earth, its compassion is similar
e) True. If the moon is material volatilized from the earth it must train a finite receding speed
a) True. The solar system was full of small bodies in erratic orbits that wander between and with larger bodies
f) False. The moon's rotation and translation are equal has no relation to its formation phase
c) false. The amount of vaporized material on the moon is large
Therefore, the order of importance must be
b e a f c
A) True. Voltmeters measure voltages
C) True. They are placed in parallel
E) True ammeters are used to measure current
The devices for voltage measurement are the voltmeter and ammeter
Voltmeters have very high intense resistance and are placed in parallel
The ammeters have very small resist and are placed in series
Based on this establishment, let's analyze the statements
A) True. Voltmeters measure voltages
B) False has high intense resistance
C) True. They are placed in parallel
D) False ammeters are placed in series
E) True ammeters are used to measure current
F) False ammeters have a low internal resistance
If you crawl to the rim the rotational speed will decrease. The law of conservation of angular momentum supports this answer. And it states that :
"When the net external torque acting on a system about a given axis is. zero , the total angular momentum of the system about that axis remains constant."