This matter spread out around theuniverse with no structure. But each little bit of matter exerted the force of gravity on each other little bit. Gravity is the only type of force connected with <span>the Big Bang as it is a basic force that was to create our world in th way we can see and discover it today.</span>
Part 1)
Part 2)
Part 3)
Part 4)
Since torque on right side is more so here it will turn and slip over it
As we know that the block A is placed at distance
d = 50 cm from the hinge at 70 cm mark
So torque due to weight of A is given as
the block B is placed at distance
d = 30 cm from the hinge at 70 cm mark
So torque due to weight of B is given as
Now torque due to weight of the scale is given as
now torque on left side of scale is given as
Torque on right Side is given as
Since torque on right side is more so here it will turn and slip over it
-- <span>The gravitational force that you feel when you stand on the surface
of a planet depends on the planet's mass and size. It has </span><span><span>nothing
to do with the planet's orbit. (</span>Of course,"size" is also related to the
planet's mass, density, and surface area.)
-- One possible cause of deforestation is the removal of trees without
adequate replanting.
-- According to Hubble’s Law, the farther away a galaxy is, the faster
it is moving away from us
-- Electromagnetic energy can be defined as energy that moves at
the speed of light. If you conduct experiments to determine whether
the electromagnetic energy is moving in the form of particles or waves,
you find that it behaves as both.</span>
I feel exited and happy I enjoy it with my friend