<span>A SI base unit is the single and direct measurement unit for a physical entity. E.g. For mass it is kg, for time it is sec, A derived unit is determined by a physical equation with the base units, like for velocity equals distance divided by time, in SI units: unit of v (velocity)= m (meter) divided by sec (seconds).
Hope this helps!</span>
Basic facts about sex and reproduction, as told to a child
B. Copper since the rest of the choices are compounds. Copper is an element.
At constant vapor pressure, the relative humidity decreases as the temperature increases, therefore, at higher temperature the relative humidity is low and water readily evaporates from the wet bulb thermometer that results in the cooling of the bulb such that at a given ambient temperature the very low relative humidity results in very large differences between the temperatures of the wet bulb thermometer and that of the dry bulb thermometer and the wet bulb is observed to be the colder thermometer of the two