1. Texting and driving is so unsafe. its almost as bad as drinking and driving!! you would kill a new family thus no thanks!
2. Im not to sure about this. i do not pay tax yet and my parents do all the legal stuff for me so as of now i dont have an opinion!
3. I understand and respect this, due to trials need to be fare so the person on the line gets what they deserve! with this it cuts down bi est opinions!!
4. Personal i hate that my parents control my life and if i could have my teenager way they would be there to Gide and support me for my choices. thinking in the real world i understand why its there and why its needed.
Free points for me so yeah im greedy an im 11 years old and i like rap and play fortnite on controllerr.
True b/c what goes on in the group or party these people know what goes on. where you go.what time you leave thats why.
It helped encourage it because greece has alot of seaports that nake it an ideal location for offshores
The Maurya Empire was founded around 321 B.C.E. by Chandragupta Maurya