The microscope is an instrument used for the visualization of the cell and its other component. Different types of microscope are compound microscope, electron microscope and binocular microscope.
The adjustment of the slide is important to visualize the focused object. A proper source of light is required to focus the image. At high magnification, the fine focus control is used for the adjustment. At 100 X the oil is used to visualize the object.
Because humans couldn’t see outside of earth. Gailieo Galilei used his telescope to prove this was wrong ultimately.
it was debunked till the 16th century. Scientists observations and knowledge had advanced too far for the geocentric model to explain them.
I looked like the sun was moving from earth but it really earth thats moving around the sun. The parallax is effect helped explain this.
Selective breeding involves choosing parents with particular characteristics to breed together and produce offspring with more desirable characteristics. Humans have selectively bred plants and animals for thousands of years including: crop plants with better yields.
Hope that helps
This is a easy one! a promoter<span> is a region of DNA that initiates transcription of a particular gene. </span>Promoters<span> are located near the transcription start sites of genes, on the same strand and upstream on the DNA</span>
While skeletal muscles are arranged in regular, parallel bundles, cardiac muscle connects at branching, irregular angles, called intercalated discs. Striated muscle contracts and relaxes in short, intense bursts, whereas smooth muscle sustains longer or even near-permanent contractions.