-- pass the light through a lens
The path of the light is bent (refracted) to a new direction.
-- bounce the light off a shiny surface
The light is sent back (reflected) in the direction from which it arrived.
-- pass the light through a prism
The light is spread out according to the different wavelengths
that may be in it.
-- put something black in the light's path
The light is completely absorbed and is never seen again.
-- turn the light off
The source stops emitting light.
-- throw a towel over the lamp
The light is absorbed in the towel, and not seen outside of it.
Application of Newton's first law of motion
A body in motion will continue in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.
First convert 5.5 cm to meters.
(5.5 cm / 1) x (m / 100 cm) = 0.055 m
A typical atom is about 1.0E-10 m in diameter; thus:
0.055 m / 1.0E-10 m = 5.5E8 atoms or 550,000,000 end-to-end atoms in 5.5 cm
Options are. Zenith, Great circle, Equinox, or Meridan