Answer is d. in hetrogeneous you can separate things from each other
This statement is false. Everything expands when heated
An ionic solution is when a compound's ions in an aqueous solution have dissociated. As you combine two aqueous solutions, a reaction occurs. This is when you find out whether or not a precipitate is going to form. A precipitate occurs when the ion reaction component in water is insoluble.The formation of a precipitate is an indication that a chemical change has occurred. for example if we mix clear solutions of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, sodium nitrate is formed which is a precipitate.
Competition stems from the fact that resources are limited. There are simply not enough of some resources for all individuals to have equal access and supply. Competition can occur between organisms of the same species, or between members of different species.
We are given the molar concentration of an aqueous solution of weak acid and the pH ofthe solution, and we are asked to determine the value of Ka for the acid.
The first step in solving any equilibrium problem is to write the equation for the equilibriumreaction. The ionization of benzoic acid can be written as seen in the attached image (1).
The equilibrium-constant expression is the equation number (2)
From the measured pH, we can calculate pH as seen in equation (3)
To determine the concentrations of the species involved in the equilibrium, we imagine that thesolution is initially 0.10 M in HCOOH molecules. We then consider the ionization of the acidinto H+ and HCOO-. For each HCOOH molecule that ionizes, one H+ ion and one HCOO- ionare produced in solution. Because the pH measurement indicates that [H+] = 1x 10^-4 M atequilibrium, we can construct the following table as seen in the equation number (4)
To find the value of Ka, please see equation (5):
We can now insert the equilibrium concentrations into the expression for Ka as seen in equation (6)
Therefore, 2.58x10^-4 M is the concentration of benzoic acid to have a pH of 4.0