Light waves slow down as they travel from gas to solid.
The speed of light is often quoted with reference to a vacuum. Light travels fastest in a vacuum and in a gas.
When light travels through other media such as solids or liquids, the speed of light is decreased due to absorption and scattering of photons by molecules as well as remissions.
Hence the speed of light decreases from gas to solid.
Robert Hooke used an early microscope to observe a cork sample. How did this help contribute to cell theory? It helped to show that cells contain water. ... It helped to show that some cells are visible to the naked eye.
If your teacher checks if it was copied just put it in your on words
Oh my gosh ! Resisting the force of gravity always DOES involve doing work.
If no work is being done, then you're NOT resisting the force of gravity.
-- ball rolling on the floor . . . no work
-- ball rolling up a ramp . . . work being done
-- ball rolling down a ramp . . . work being done, BY gravity